2017 · College · goals · gypsy · Uncategorized



I won’t let myself get behind on college work is probably the biggest lie I tell myself these days. I started out the year strong, I was 6 weeks ahead of the course schedule, I was keeping on top of it. This lasted until the first assignment that I found ridiculously difficult and I hated everything about college. It wasn’t even that hard of an assignment honestly looking back but at the time I just could not for the life of me get my head around it. In my usual fashion I saw failure on the horizon and decided that I wasn’t going to try. I wallowed for about 2 days then sucked it up and got it done and I got a higher mark than I was expecting. But then came Christmas and I didn’t even think about college. There was too much going on and I decided that going out and spending time with my friends and family was more important because well I’m a procrastinator and what else would I do.

I am the queen of procrastination. Assignment due in 2 weeks? That’s loads of time, I’ll just watch Sherlock from the start again and then I’ll get on it. Oh what’s that I hear? The sound of anything bloody else I could be doing! It calls and I follow and then find myself stressed out and promising myself it’ll never get that bad again. This is also a lie. So this year I am really going to try get on top of it.

Anybody who knows me knows I love social media. With my social anxiety when I am alone in a crowded place or waiting on somebody or just generally feel vulnerable I am attached to my phone. Bad habit I know but it is what it is. Instagram and YouTube are my absolute favourites and I can spend way to long on these. These are my tools of procrastination. So I decided today to delete the apps from my phone. Facebook, Messenger, Instagram, Youtube and Snapchat. All gone bye bye because even when I am studying my phone buzzes and I automatically check it. So that’s step 1.

Step 2 is working ahead. I have 2 assignments due and then a break week for each module so I am going to take that time to get ahead in the modules so if something does come up then I am equipped to take a day off. Right now if I take a day off I’m going to fail so I need to get on it.

Sleep is Step 3. Naps are also a downfall because I LOVE a good nap. Between that and the fact that I have been having a social life that has been cutting into my normal sleep schedule I need to get more sleep. I do however have a rubber arm and find it hard to say no to a good night out, I would say that’s a point I need to work on however I’m having fun so just no lol.

Anyway I’m off to go do some assignments. Wish me luck, God knows I need it!

Until next time, let your gypsy soul wander.